This habit has been something that she started about a at age 5 and it had gotten really bad. I usually respond with telling her "but I love you and always will and I dont care if you hate me because I still love you and Im your mom and nothing you can do about it." I really have tried to just ignore the issue at hand, thinking that she will see that it doesnt rial me up and she will stop it. WELLLL that isnt happening!
I have found that she really only does this behavior when she is upset with me because shes not getting her own way, or when I tell her NO! I believe this is just her way to get me to break and give into her but I feel I can not let this behavior keep going because I dont want to raise a terror! I have had mixed advice from plenty of friends and Family on Facebook tonight, and of all things I have been rest assured that as a mom we are going to hear these things from our children, we just have to pick and choose our battles, but in the end we have to crack down on behaviors of many kind before they get too out of hand.
As a single mom I find it sometimes very hard and overwhelming but I put my best foot forward and just truck on and in hopes that I am always doing the right things to raise a very polite girl. I feel a lot better after hearing from so many mothers that they are going through this same exact thing. Some advice I have gotten for this behavior is listed below!
Have you ever dealt with behaviors such as the one I mentioned or other behaviors from your toddler, or child that makes you overwhelmed? Comment below and let me know what you have dealt with and how you have handled such situations.
Advice I was given to stop such said behavior:
1. Crack down and take things away and make sure you follow through.
2. Tell him or her no matter what you love them and its not nice to say mean hurtful things.
3. Tell him or her that you will not tolerate such behavior and that they will get privelages taken away.
4. Hug them and tell them no matter how much they say they hate and dont love you doesnt change your feelings for them.
5. Follow through, Follow through!
6. Most of all show them you love them but the behavior will not be tolerated!
7. Separate your child from any negativity or where you think said behavior is coming from.
*Remember your not a bad parent just because your child is learning things and repeating things, just crack down and follow through*
*Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net*
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